Personality Types
    Alert Explorer (EP)
    Logical Doer (ST)
    Alert Explorer (EP)
    Friendly Helper (SF)
    Alert Explorer (EP)
    Insightful Zealot (NF)
    Alert Explorer (EP)
    Ingenious Planner (NT)
    Active Organizer (EJ)
    Logical Doer (ST)
    Active Organizer (EJ)
    Friendly Helper (SF)
    Active Organizer (EJ)
    Insightful Zealot (NF)
    Active Organizer (EJ)
    Ingenious Planner (NT)
    Silent Integrator (IJ)
    Logical Doer (ST)
    Silent Integrator (IJ)
    Friendly Helper (SF)
    Silent Integrator (IJ)
    Insightful Zealot (NF)
    Silent Integrator (IJ)
    Ingenious Planner (NT)
    Quiet Architect (IP)
    Logical Doer (ST)
    Quiet Architect (IP)
    Friendly Helper (SF)
    Quiet Architect (IP)
    Insightful Zealot (NF)
    Quiet Architect (IP)
    Ingenious Planner (NT)


    Find your Personality Type code in the left hand
    column of  the table below.  You will also find in that
    column a name that describes the primary role that
    this type usually plays, regardless of  the activity that
    they are engaged in.
    Click on your Type Code; e.g., ESTP, to view a
    thumbnail sketch of your personality type.
    The next two columns identify your type's preferred
    Orienting and Operating Modes (the two letter
    combinations on the ends and middle of your type
    code: e.g., (EP) and (ST).
    Click on the column headings Orienting Mode and
    Operating Mode or the appropriate navigation bar
    on the left side of the page to read a description of
    the two parts that make up your Personality Type:
    your Orienting Mode and your Operating Mode.  


    To learn more about your personality type you can
    go to the Books page (click here) and order a
    copy of my book,  Awaken the Sleeper.  In it you
    will find a complete description of each of the
    sixteen types, along with a copy of Type Game
    Quiz, as well as a discussion of the theoretical
    framework on which the types are based.
    In addition to the Type Game, you will also find a
    Values Game to help you get in touch with the
    things in life that matter most to you.  
    Armed with the knowledge of who your are and
    what you want, you will be able to start taking
    advantage of the book's tips on how to create a
    happier life for yourself and those you love.